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My Top 5 Exercises to Lose Weight

Jane Arlow • Mar 05, 2024

My Top Five Exercises to Lose Weight This Spring

TL:DR? No, this isn't really five exercises to lose weight! But it is a bunch of tips that could actually help you to do it.

And yes, there are links to lots of different blogs I've written over the last few years in case you want to dive deeper into any of the topics!

The most frequently asked question I receive is variations on "Help! I've put weight on over the pandemic/ due to being perimenopausal...and I can't seem to shift it. Please share some exercises to make it go away!"

And now, I have an admission to make...the title of this blog is totally a "bait and switch"! I do NOT have "Five exercises to lose Weight this Spring" for you. 

Sorrrrrreeeeee. I wish I was the bearer of better news.

Unfortunately, there aren't any exercises that, on their own, are going to shift weight you've put on round your middle.  So, instead of exercises, I am going to share 8 top tips to help you, if weight loss is your goal.

Of course, this isn't to say that exercise isn't important and doesn't play a part! It does so many things for you - metabolic and heart health, muscle strength, mental wellbeing, balance, coordination - that actually, its place in weight loss is the least interesting thing about it!

exercise alone does not make you lose weight - what does? Well,  you need to be in a calorie deficit (i.e. energy in is less than energy used).

It's also complicated by hormones, sleep, stress levels and your "
non-exercise activity thermogenesis" (i.e. how much energy you burn when you're not actually exercising).

I also read a very interesting meta-study that indicated that our metabolisms do NOT drop once we're past the age of forty. What drops is our activity level, while at the same time, we simply underestimate the number of calories we're taking in. 

And, finally, sorry, but when you lose weight, it's more or less impossible to have any control over where it comes off. 

If it seems inevitable that the scales are just going to
keep going up, I promise there are things you can do.

1. Start keeping a diary of what you eat, when and what you're feeling at the time.

Which of these do you do:

-Graze all day long?

-Pick at nibbles while you're cooking an evening meal?

-Crack open the sharer bag of crisps/ popcorn on the sofa with Netflix and scarf the lot yourself?

-Underestimate what you've eaten during the day?

What things trigger you to open the fridge/ larder door?  When you might actually be thirsty rather than hungry? When you're bored? Stressed? 

Sometimes, having to write it down brings our awareness to what might have become a mindless action.

2. Once you become aware of your triggers and how you feel at the time, you can start to recognise the thought patterns that are creating the action of eating.

A reminder that sometimes, these thoughts are not the truth! They're just stories we tell ourselves. Things that we've come to believe to the extent that we don't even apply any logic to them any more.

And sometimes, we eat to "buffer" emotions that we're trying to avoid feeling because they're uncomfortable. 

Sitting with the emotion for a few minutes - naming it, noticing all the physical sensations of that emotion - can often help us to deal with it better. 

I'm finding this book written by psychologist Julie Smith both interesting and helpful in recognising and understanding emotions (affiliate link).

I'm also part way through a two week trial of "Noom", which uses the power of psychology* to help you lose weight (that and making you track every.single.thing you put in your mouth!). I'll keep you posted. 

3. Make sure you're drinking enough water.

Your brain might be mistaking a "thirsty" signal for a "hungry" signal. So if you think you're hungry, have a glass of water.

Wait 15 minutes...still hungry? Then eat something.

4. Eat more fruit and veggies

Apart from keeping your gut biome happy, they will help you to feel fuller for longer because of the volume of water and fibre.

If you've had the water and you're still hungry, why not grab a snack of an apple, some carrots, or some grapes?

Yes, I realise that they don't give you the same rush as a couple of choccie biscuits. But, they also don't give you the same sugar crash as a couple of choccie biscuits.

5. Focus on your protein

Lean protein will also keep you fuller for longer. So dialling up your protein intake can be a great way to stop the hunger pangs.

If you've drunk the water, eaten the veggies and you're STILL hungry, grab some lean protein. 

6. Go to bed earlier

Sleep hormones are so involved in how hungry we feel AND a lack of sleep can also negatively impact our ability to make rationale decisions.

This is really closely tied up with stress

7. Focus on things that will reduce your stress levels

Make sure that you're closing out your stress cycle to avoid getting into "chronic stress". 

This can include exercising (there it is!), getting outside in nature, hugging a friend or loved one, singing, dancing...

And finally..

8. Ditch the booze

Yes, the odd glass of red wine seems to be OK for your health. However, sharing a bottle of wine with dinner several nights per week is just adding calories of zero nutritional value. 

So, in summary - if you were hoping for something a bit more "do this wall Pilates and you'll lose weight" ...sorry! There are no quick fixes.

On the other hand, I'm absolutely not going to tell you to give up carbs, or ice-cream or stop drinking altogether either. That's dull as arse. 

Do drop me a note if you've got questions!

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